Saturday 20 August 2011

Renowned Rai people

  • Two senior cabinet ministers — Narad Muni Thulung and Bal Bahadur Rai — acted as Prime ministers of Nepal
  • Indian Chief Minister of Sikkim Pawan Kumar Chamling
  • Indian Member of Parliament Prem Das Rai
  • Former Chancellor of the Royal Nepal Academy Lain Singh Bangdel
  • Former Government Secretary and Chairman of Public Service Commission Santa Bahadur Rai
  • Diplomat and scholar Professor Dr. Nobel Kishor Rai was ambassador to Germany
  • Writer and literary critic Indra Bahadur Rai
  • Writer and poet Pradip Rai wrote the national anthem of Nepal
  • Plastic surgeon Shankar Man Rai
  • Pop and rock singers like Dhiraj Rai
  • National politicians like the vice-chairman of UML party Ashok Rai
  • Army and police general Ram Kaji Bantawa
  • Chief of Intelligence Department Chand Bahadur Rai
  • Scholar of vedas Dr. Swami Prapannacharya
  • Assam Assembly Government Speaker Tanka Bahadur Rai
  • Vishal Rai

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